When you need an emergency dentist in Edinburgh

From a broken tooth, to lost fillings or raging toothache, when you experience a dental emergency, you’ll want to see a dentist as quickly as possible. There are some dental emergencies where time really is of the essence.If a knocked out tooth is re-inserted by a dentist within the hour, there is a higher chance that it will take hold.

emergency-dentistMore important still, is the treatment of severe tooth infections or abscesses that can be life-threatening if left untreated. If you have a severe tooth infection but cannot see an emergency dentist in Edinburgh, you should call the NHS emergency helpline on 111 and  seek urgent medical attention.

First aid in a dental emergency

If you have suffered an injury to your mouth or teeth, controlling any bleeding should be your first priority. If possible clean the wound with some warm water; adding a little salt can help reduce the risk of infection. If you can, apply light pressure to the area using a clean handkerchief, a cold used teabag or some gauze, and seek assistance immediately.

If you have suffered from an injury that has caused bleeding you should avoid using any pain medication that contains aspirin or ibruprofen. These act as blood thinners and can increase bleeding.

Chipped or damaged teeth that are not causing you pain should not be considered a dental emergency.You should make an appointment to see your dentist as soon as possible and take care when eating.

Looking for an out of hours emergency dentist in Edinburgh

If you need an emergency dentist, both registered and non-registered patients can call us here at Polwarth Dental Clinic on 0131 229 8143 during practice hours. We will try to see you on the same day.

For our registered patients we also offer an out of hours service. This service is available 365 days of the year and the call out fee is £135. To access this service you will need to call the practice on 0131 229 8143 and follow the instructions on the answer machine. For patients who are not registered with us please call the NHS emergency helpline on 111.