If you lose or crack a tooth, or are in a lot of pain, it is important to see an emergency dentist in Edinburgh at Polwarth Dental Clinic. We will do our best to help you with any dental emergency on the same day. The sooner you get to us, the more likely we will be able to fix the problem quickly and without further complications.
Finding an out of hours emergency dentist in Edinburgh
Dental emergencies don’t always happen at convenient times, but for a serious problem you shouldn’t wait until the practice opens to get treatment. If you are registered with our practice, we offer an out of hours service 365 days a year. If you are not registered with us, or another dentist offering out of hours treatment, you should call NHS 24 on 111 if you have a dental emergency.
How do I know if it’s an emergency?
Dental emergencies generally come in two categories – pain, and damage. If you have suffered a trauma to the mouth, such as a knocked out or cracked tooth, or damage to the tongue, cheek or lip, you should call Polwarth Dental Clinic, an emergency dentist in Edinburgh. If you are in a lot of pain, especially if there is swelling or signs of an abscess, it’s best to get to our emergency dentist and get it checked out.
What to do if you can’t see a dentist immediately
If a tooth has been knocked out, you should try to put it back in the hole it came out of. If this is not possible, store it in milk or saliva (in your mouth) until you can visit our emergency dentist in Edinburgh. If you are in a lot of pain, it is better to take paracetamol than aspirin or ibuprofen, as these can have the effect of thinning your blood, which can worsen bleeding. Always read the directions on the packet. Of course, the best thing to do is to call our practice and follow the advice of our staff.
Avoid emergency treatment with regular check-ups
Visiting us for regular check-ups means we can spot potential problems and reduce the need for emergency treatment.