At Polwarth Dental Clinic in Edinburgh, emergency dentists will see you on the same day as you call. So please do not hesitate to contact us if you suspect you have a tooth abscess.
What is an abscessed tooth?
An abscessed tooth is a painful infection, either at the root or between the gum and a tooth. Abscesses are most commonly caused by severe tooth decay, but there may be other causes, such a broken or chipped tooth,gingivitis or gum disease.
These problems can cause openings in the tooth enamel, which canlead bacterial infection at the centre of the tooth (called the pulp). The infection may also spread from the root to the bones supporting the tooth.
How do I know if I should visit the emergency dentist in Edinburgh?
Several symptoms indicate an abscessed tooth, and require a visit to the emergency dentist. These include: a severe, continuous toothache experienced as gnawing or throbbing pain, or sharp, or shooting pain; fever, pain when chewing, sensitivity of the teeth to hot or cold, a bitter taste in the mouth; foul smelling breath; swollen neck glands; general discomfort, uneasiness, or ill feeling; red and swollen gums; a swollen area on the upper or lower jaw; and an open, draining sore on the side of the gum.
It is important to see the Edinburgh emergency dentist even if the pain subsides. The reduction in pain could be because the infection has killed off the pulp in the tooth root. Cessation of pain doesn’t mean the infection has healed; the infection remains active and continues to spread and destroy tissue. Therefore, if you experience any of the above listed symptoms, it is important to see an emergency dentist.
What treatment will I receive from the emergency dentist in Edinburgh?
The emergency dentist may drain the abscess through the tooth by a procedure known as root canal therapy. They may also recommend root surgery to remove any diseased root tissue after the infection has subsided, and may fit a crown over the tooth.The tooth may also be extracted, allowing drainage through the socket, then your dentist may drain the abscess by incision into the swollen gum tissue.