There are times when unexpected things happen and dental emergencies are no exception. It always seems to be the way that dental emergencies happen at night, or when you are away from home and unable to see your own dentist. We are pleased to say that if you are looking for an emergency dentist in Edinburgh, Polwarth Dental Clinic are able to offer this service to patients and those who aren’t registered with us.
If you are in pain or have damaged a tooth we will always endeavour to see you on the same day during normal practice opening hours. In most cases we can treat you when we see you; if your case is more complicated it may be that we can only offer pain relief as a temporary measure.
Emergency dental care 365 days a year
We offer an out of hours service for all our registered patients every day of the year.Simply call the practice and listen to the recorded message for instructions on how to contact our out of hours dentist. There is a fixed fee for this service of £135.
If you are not registered with us as a patient and you need an emergency dentist in Edinburgh you will need to contact the NHS 24 help line on 111.
Dental emergency – what to do if a tooth is knocked out?
If an adult tooth is knocked out, it can sometimes be successfully re-implanted as long as you act fast and take the following steps:
- Make sure that you only hold the tooth area and avoid touching the root;
- Clean the tooth and root off if it’s dirty by licking it or rinsing it in milk. NEVER use water to do this;
- If possible push the tooth back into place, this applies to adult teeth only;
- Place a clean handkerchief over the tooth and bite gently to keep the tooth in place;
- Contact a dentist for advice immediately.
If you are unable to re-insert the tooth into the socket place it inside your cheek. If this is not possible place the tooth in a container with some milk. Don’t use water!