If you need an Edinburgh emergency dentist, get in touch with the team at Polwarth Dental Care on 0131 2298143. We reserve some appointments for urgent cases every day, and will try to see all emergency patients on the same day whenever possible. Our first priority will be to get you out of pain.
Whether you are a registered patient of Polwarth Dental Care, or you are a new patient – perhaps even a visitor to Edinburgh – we will fix you an appointment with an Edinburgh emergency dentist as soon as possible.
We welcome patients of all ages who need an emergency dentist. Below are some common dental emergencies, but remember that if anything has left you in pain or very distressed you should get in touch with a dentist straight away.
Toothache is usually caused by decay or infection. Bearable toothache should warrant the next available regular appointment with your dentist, but if the pain becomes unbearable you should call an emergency dentist.
Your Edinburgh emergency dentist may be able to remove your decay to get you out of pain, then fill your tooth permanently in a single appointment, but Infections will usually take at least two appointments to fully clear.
Knocked-out tooth
Child (milk tooth)
Never on any account try to put a milk tooth back in the socket, because this could damage the adult tooth beneath. Instead, contact your Edinburgh emergency dentist (and possibly the tooth fairy).
You may be able to reinsert the tooth yourself, but don’t force it. Bite down on a clean paper towel for 15-20 minutes if you manage to do so, and call the emergency dentist.
If you can’t put the tooth in yourself, clean it with saliva as necessary and bring it with you to your Edinburgh dentist.
Broken tooth
Broken teeth require a visit to the emergency dentist. What your dentist will do will depend on the type and amount of damage, the location of your tooth, and your general oral health. In many cases permanent restoration will need at least two appointments. However, your dentist will get you out of pain at the first session.