Category: Emergency Dentist

What an emergency dentist can do to get you back to health

An emergency dentist in Edinburgh can be reached by contacting Polwarth Dental Clinic on 0131 2298143. Dental pain can be nigh-on unbearable and dental emergencies can be both traumatic and frightening.

emergency dental careYour Edinburgh emergency dentist will do everything possible to get you out of pain at your initial appointment. It may be necessary – for example if an infection needs treating – to come back to the clinic for secondary appointments in order to fully solve your problem. However, getting you out of pain will be your dentist’s top priority.

Polwarth Dental Clinic in Edinburgh will charge a maximum of £70 for your emergency dentist appointment. Further charges will apply if additional treatment is needed at a later date.

Common dental emergencies and what your Edinburgh emergency dentist can do

Tooth knocked out

If you still have your tooth and it is in good condition (i.e. not broken) your emergency dentist may be able to reinsert it into the socket. You can try to do this yourself (although you must never do this with a child’s baby tooth lest you damage the developing adult tooth) and should bite down on a clean cloth or tissue to keep the tooth in place before calling the dentist.

Lick the tooth clean if necessary. If you cannot get it back in the socket, place it in a clean container, cover it in milk, and call the emergency dentist. If the dentist can get it back into the socket they will temporarily strap it to adjacent teeth support. If the tooth is permanently lost or too badly damaged, tooth replacements will be discussed.

Broken tooth

Sometimes, an emergency dentist can use tooth-coloured composite material to stick tooth fragments back together. Alternatively, they may use the same material to rebuild the tooth, or may place a filling or crown.

Unbearable toothache

If your toothache is caused by infection, you may need antibiotics to treat it. Your dentist will get you out of pain at the first appointment, but you may have to come back to our Edinburgh clinic for root canal treatment.

Same-day Edinburgh emergency dentist appointments: call now

If you require an Edinburgh emergency dentist, contact Polwarth Dental Clinic right away on 0131 2298143. We are committed to seeing every urgent patient on the same day, so you should call our Edinburgh clinic as soon as an emergency occurs.

emergency-dentist-edinburghThe maximum charge for an appointment with an emergency dentist at Polwarth Dental Clinic, Edinburgh, is £70. Dental emergencies come in numerous forms and it will not always be possible to fully complete your treatment at one appointment.

The primary focus of your Edinburgh emergency dentist will be to get you out of pain. If you require any further treatment to fully rectify the problem, you will be advised to book a follow-up appointment at our Edinburgh dental practice.

Many things constitute a dental emergency. Here are some common situations, along with what your Edinburgh emergency dentist may do to treat the issue.

Unbearable toothache

Pain is the body’s indicator that something is wrong, and toothache must never be ignored. Mild toothache or pain that comes and goes should prompt you to book the next available appointment with your dentist. Over-the-counter painkillers can help until your appointment.

If the painkillers stop working or the pain is very bad, you need an emergency dentist. Toothache is often a sign of advanced decay and/or infection. Your emergency dentist will first get you out of pain, but may need to see you again to complete treatment if root canal therapy is required to get rid of the infection. Decay can be removed and treated with a filling at one appointment if no infection is present.

Lost tooth

You may be able to reimplant a lost tooth in the socket, and bite down on clean tissue to hold it in place. NEVER attempt to reimplant a child’s milk tooth, because this can damage the adult tooth beneath. If you can’t get your own tooth back in the socket, lick it clean and cover it in milk, then bring it to your emergency dentist appointment. The dentist might be able to reinsert it and strap it to surrounding teeth for support, or may recommend a tooth replacement.