Whether you are suffering from unbearable pain caused by an infected or abscessed tooth, or you have just lost a tooth in an accident, you need to know that your emergency dentist in Edinburgh is available.
That’s why at Polwarth Dental Clinic we promise not to let you down when you need us the most. No matter what time of day it is, we guarantee that we will see you before the surgery closes for business on that day, and when you come in to see you, we will do our utmost to make sure that you leave us pain-free.
At Polwarth Dental Clinic, our emergency dentists, Dr Willie MacEachen and Dr Willie Black, use the latest equipment and techniques. Even if you have never been to the clinic before, they will listen to your personal needs so that they can give you the best care to suit you.
No matter what your emergency is, Drs MacEachen and Black will be able to help. Both are skilled and highly experienced dentists used to dealing with a wide range of problems, from broken and knocked out teeth, to infections, abscesses and toothaches.
If your appointment with the emergency dentist in Edinburgh is because you have had one or more teeth knocked out, you need to bring the teeth with you. Please wrap them up carefully, or put them in your mouth and hold them gently there, because there is a very good chance that our dentists will be able to put them back into their sockets if they arrive with little or no damage.
When you arrive to see the emergency dentist in Edinburgh, you can expect your injuries will be thoroughly examined, and this examination may include dental x-rays to determine the extent of the damage to your teeth and jaw. If you are in pain, the area will be numbed with a local anaesthetic. The emergency dentist will also sterilise the area to reduce the risk of infection. Then, depending on the case, they will restore the damaged or lost teeth.
At Polwarth Dental Clinic, we guarantee that your emergency dental appointment will get you pain-free for a maximum cost of £70. Put the number in your mobile: 0131 229 8143.